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Urge Overkill - The Supersonic Storybook (1991)

CD Folder: 6m69, 6m70

1Urge OverkillThe Kids Are Insane00:02:56
2Urge OverkillThe Candidate00:05:00
3Urge Overkill(Today Is) Blackie's Birthday00:03:19
4Urge OverkillEmmaline00:05:54Errol Brown, Tony Wilson
5Urge OverkillBionic Revolution00:04:03
6Urge OverkillWhat Is Artane?00:03:49
7Urge OverkillVacation in Tokyo00:03:46
8Urge OverkillHenhough: The Greatest Story Ever Told00:05:47
9Urge OverkillTheme from Navajo00:04:26
9 00:39:00