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Zitat des Moments

Aus einem verzagten Arsch kommt niemals ein fröhlicher Furz.

xkcd: Number Shortage

xkcd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Generic License.

xkcd image

"10 minutes ago we were down to only 2 0s!" "How many do we have now?" "I ... don't know!!"

Explain xkcd

Dinosaur Comics

Dinosaur Comics image

surely they have people to protect them from making mistakes, and these people... uh, also somehow never make mistakes...

Cyanide & Happiness

Cyanide & Happiness image

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Poorly Drawn Lines is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Euro Wechselkurs

WährungDatumpro EuroKehrwert
Schweizer Franken (CHF)2024-11-111 € = 0.93690 Fr.1.06735 € = 1 Fr.
Britisches Pfund Sterling (GBP)2024-11-111 € = 0.82680 £1.20948 € = 1 £
Japanischer Yen (JPY)2024-11-111 € = 163.82000 ¥0.00610 € = 1 ¥
Schwedische Krone (SEK)2024-11-111 € = 11.59200 kr0.08627 € = 1 kr
US-Dollar (USD)2024-11-111 € = 1.06510 $0.93888 € = 1 $