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Zitat des Moments

Hundebesitzer sind die rücksichtslosesten Menschen auf der Welt.

xkcd: Temperature Scales

xkcd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Generic License.

xkcd image

In my new scale, °X, 0 is Earths' record lowest surface temperature, 50 is the global average, and 100 is the record highest, with a linear scale between each point and adjustment every year as needed.

Explain xkcd

Dinosaur Comics

Dinosaur Comics image

t-rex is thinking to himself in a whisper, because his shame is THAT MUCH of a secret. it's not because i couldn't fit all the words in otherwise it's for really really valid character reasons

Cyanide & Happiness

Cyanide & Happiness image

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Poorly Drawn Lines is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.

Poorly Drawn Lines -

Euro Wechselkurs

WährungDatumpro EuroKehrwert
Schweizer Franken (CHF)2024-10-221 € = 0.93650 Fr.1.06781 € = 1 Fr.
Britisches Pfund Sterling (GBP)2024-10-221 € = 0.83340 £1.19990 € = 1 £
Japanischer Yen (JPY)2024-10-221 € = 163.22000 ¥0.00613 € = 1 ¥
Schwedische Krone (SEK)2024-10-221 € = 11.40050 kr0.08772 € = 1 kr
US-Dollar (USD)2024-10-221 € = 1.08210 $0.92413 € = 1 $