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Collapse under the Empire - The Fallen Ones (2017)

CD Folder: 10m173

1Collapse under the EmpirePrelude00:02:07Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
2Collapse under the EmpireThe Fallen Ones00:05:35Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
3Collapse under the EmpireDark Water00:05:59Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
4Collapse under the EmpireA Place Beyond00:05:24Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
5Collapse under the EmpireBlissful00:05:43Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
6Collapse under the EmpireThe Forbidden Spark00:06:48Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
7Collapse under the EmpireThe Holy Mountain00:06:59Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
8Collapse under the EmpireFlowers from Exile00:04:11Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
9Collapse under the EmpireThe End Falls00:05:16Chris Burda, Martin Grimm
9 00:48:02