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The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 48 (2009)

CD Folder: 7m197

The Art of SysyphusThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 47The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 48The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 49
Eclipsed SamplerThe Art of Sysyphus Vol. 47The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 48The Art of Sysyphus Vol. 49
1Rose KempWholeness Sounds00:04:14
2Secret MachinesI Never Thought to Ask00:04:05
3Spirits of the DeadWhite Lady / Black Rave00:08:08
4Wishbone AshThe King Will Come00:07:44
5Seven Steps to the Green DoorNew Rising00:05:51
6UnifaunTo the Green Faerie00:06:12
7TraumhausBleibe Hier00:06:53
9Colour HazeTurns00:04:03
10The Black AngelsMission District00:05:01
10 00:55:36