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2007-09-03 10:22:22 ** Seattle ** The Great Journey

Preparations in Seattle

William Shape's Story

William Shape and three partners arrived in Seattle from New York by train on August 28th, 1897. After booking passage on the SS Queen scheduled to leave on September 8th, they spent their time selecting and purchasing provisions such as sleds, pans, picks, and shovels.

Food purchases included 'flour, beans, rice, oatmeal, commeal sugar, bacon, hard tack, canned meats, and evaporated fruits and vegetables.' They also purchased 'a complete camping outfit, 6 ft whip saw and large cross cut saw, packsaddles, tarpaulins, a .44 Winchester rifle, shot gun, revolvers and a number of books.' To haul this load over their intended route of the Dalton Trail to Five Fingers Rapids, they purchased a bull, two steers, two oxen and hay to feed them.

When two of the party, the Oppenheimer brothers, backed out, William Shape and George Hartmann determined to go on together.

Album: Seattle, Washington 2007
Image: 461 / 545
Date: 2007-09-03 10:22:22
Tags: Seattle

The Great Journey

Preparations in Seattle

William Shape's Story

William Shape and three partners arrived in Seattle from New York by train on August 28th, 1897. After booking passage on the SS Queen scheduled to leave on September 8th, they spent their time selecting and purchasing provisions such as sleds, pans, picks, and shovels.

Food purchases included "flour, beans, rice, oatmeal, commeal sugar, bacon, hard tack, canned meats, and evaporated fruits and vegetables." They also purchased "a complete camping outfit, 6 ft whip saw and large cross cut saw, packsaddles, tarpaulins, a .44 Winchester rifle, shot gun, revolvers and a number of books." To haul this load over their intended route of the Dalton Trail to Five Fingers Rapids, they purchased a bull, two steers, two oxen and hay to feed them.

When two of the party, the Oppenheimer brothers, backed out, William Shape and George Hartmann determined to go on together.

Exposure Time: 0.017 s (1/60)
Aperture: f/5.6
Sensitivity: 100 ISO
Focal Length: 28 mm
Make: Canon
Owner: Ruben Schoenefeld
Camera Number: 1560516904
Image Number: 1929258

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