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2007-09-03 11:25:14 ** Seattle ** Mining the Frozen Ground

Gold has been washed down from the mountains above the Klondike Valley for eons. What the first prospectors found on the surface was only a fraction of what they would find underground. But to get through the granite-hard permafrost, they had to 'fire' the claims. They built fires in the shaft, scooped out the muck when the fires went out, built another fire and kept going until the bedrock was reached. Then they thawed out tunnels, or 'drifts' in search of the elusive gold.

They piled dirt and gravel on the surface beside the shaft and mined until the spring thaw and 'clean-up.' Most had no idea how wealthy they would be until they ran the dirt through sluice boxes or miners cradles.

Album: Seattle, Washington 2007
Image: 538 / 545
Date: 2007-09-03 11:25:14
Tags: Seattle

Mining the Frozen Ground

Gold has been washed down from the mountains above the Klondike Valley for eons. What the first prospectors found on the surface was only a fraction of what they would find underground. But to get through the granite-hard permafrost, they had to "fire" the claims. They built fires in the shaft, scooped out the muck when the fires went out, built another fire and kept going until the bedrock was reached. Then they thawed out tunnels, or "drifts" in search of the elusive gold.

They piled dirt and gravel on the surface beside the shaft and mined until the spring thaw and "clean-up." Most had no idea how wealthy they would be until they ran the dirt through sluice boxes or miners cradles.

Exposure Time: 0.020 s (1/50)
Aperture: f/4.0
Sensitivity: 100 ISO
Focal Length: 35 mm
Make: Canon
Owner: Ruben Schoenefeld
Camera Number: 1560516904
Image Number: 1939337

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